Student Choir of University of Twente


Musilon is not only run by our board, but also by all of our committees. This pages offers an overview of what each committee does. If you want to contact any of the committees you can send them an email at *committeename*

AcCie (Activity Committee)

What better way to get to know each other than with fun activities! The AcCie organizes fun activities like our yearly bicycle dinner, and New Members Activities. 

ChoCo (Show Committee)

The ChoCo organizes essential parts of our concerts: where to stand, what to wear, and what funky dance moves to do 🕺. They also make decor pieces so our stage looks beautiful! When joining the ChoCo, there’s no need to be a master of all trades, you can also join to only work on one part of the concert preparations.

ConCie (Conductor Committee)

The ConCie makes sure we and our conductor are happy. Every half-year they do a survey to collect feedback from the choir about our conductor, both the good and the bad. They then meet with our conductor to discuss the important points and we can work on improvement. In the unfortunate circumstance that we are without a conductor, the ConCie awakens and goes in search for a new conductor.

FesCo (Festival Committee)

The FesCo strives to organize a yearly (abroad) choir festival for Musilon to go to! They will make sure that it will be affordable and comfortable enough for everyone who wants to have a magical choir experience. 

InCom (Income Committee)

The InCom organizes performances with a smaller group of Musilon to generate some income for our association. This group is called the MVP-G (Musilon Vocal Performance Group). If you would like to do some extra singing outside of regular rehearsals, or would like to help organize these smaller performances, let us know!

KasCo (Money Committee)

The KasCo is the right hand committee of our treasurer. They check the treasurer’s work and make sure every cent is accounted for. 

LongCo (Long Term Planning Committee)

The LongCo writes the long term vision for the association. Because the board changes every year, some of the more overarching goals might get lost between all the transitions. This is why the long term vision is being written!

PromoCie (Promotion Committee)

The PromoCie does promotion for Musilon (🤯). This is not only keeping our social media up to date, but also designing and printing posters and flyers for our concerts and making merch for Musilon.

RepCo (Repertoire Committee)

The RepCo is the driving force behind our association. Without them, we don’t have sheet music, and without sheet music, we can’t sing! Every semester they gather new suggestions for the repertoire and judge how well they would fit our choir. They then do the printing and distributing of the sheet music to ensure we can all sing our fun songs.

RvA (Advisory Board/Raad van Advies)

The advisory board is the helpline for the board. It consists of seasoned Musilon members, who have experience in being a board member, being it of Musilon or another association. Whenever the current board is in need of advice or when the RvA thinks the board is in need of advice, the RvA comes in and gives their recommendation.

StuCo (StuWee Committee)

StuCo organizes StuWee every semester, where we go to an external location for a whole weekend and do fun activities and sing together. They not only find a location for us, but also organize a fun workshop and handle the logistics of the weekend.

WebCie (Website Committee)

The WebCie is responsible for keeping up and updating this website! They make sure to list things like when we have open rehearsals and concerts, and also make it possible for people to buy tickets to our concerts.